Monday 7 December 2015

Head Winds for Global Financial Markets Going Forward

1) Collapsing Oil:

Oil has entered into a free fall post OPEC and is not looking to stabilize anytime soon. This has deflationary implications:

2) A Weak High Yield Market:

Collapsing oil is definitely creating trouble for high yield issuers in the Oil market. Rig counts have almost halved and the high yield ETF is at a 52 week low. While default rates are still below long term averages there could be trouble ahead:
SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF (JNK)

3) Diverging Transports:

Collapsing oil should logically help the transports but this has not been the case and transports have significantly diverged from the S and P 500 with no new highs in the transports in over a year:

4) Volatility on the Up:

The Vix has also positively diverged not making new lows in each of the markets recent up moves in over a year and a half:

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