Thursday 24 September 2015

Bear Flag Break Downs in Several Key Global Stock Market Indices With Crash Implications

Several key global indices are in the middle of massive bear flag breakdowns:
a) First the S and P 500 index shows a massive bear flag breaking down, with the flag forming below the cloud. Highly bearish implying a target below 1800:

b) Secondly the German Dax with a similar bear flag break down below the cloud targeting levels below 8700:

c) Thirdly the UK FTSE index is currently breaking down from a bear flag below the cloud targeting levels below 5500:

d) Fourth the Brazilian Bovespa is in the middle of a massive break down from a bear flag pattern yet again below the cloud with targets below 42,000:

e) Lastly the Indian #stock market Nifty Index has completed a bear flag and a break down underway has targets below 7200:

Not a coincidence then that bear flag break downs are taking place across the board across key international stock markets with significant downside implications. With these break downs forming below the cloud a crash like scenario could result in the upcoming days.

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