Thursday 13 August 2015

Interesting Perspective on the Chinese Yuan Devaluation

While the Chinese Yuan devaluation has taken the global markets by storm this week, it certainly is not the first of its kind and pales in comparison to the 50% devaluation in the Yuan in 1994. A very interesting chart from dailyfx below provides insight into the fluctuations in the Yuan.
It also appears that the #Yuan is yet to catch up with the deteriorating macro economic back drop in China as per the next chart from dailyfx and the current devaluation may not help matters in the long term.
nyse What Does Yuan's Devaluation Mean for Chinese and Global Markets?

Regardless the contagion effect on the  #BRIC and other emerging economies can't be ignored as the threat of cheap Chinese exports flooding the market place is alive and well in the near term. The mere prospect of this has sent some BRIC currencies and stock markets sharply lower and this is likely to continue in the short term:
iShares, Inc. - iShares MSCI Brazil Capped ETF (EWZ)

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