Tuesday 16 February 2016

All is not Well with Global Financial Markets

It does appear that all is not as rosy as it used to be in the global financial market landscape:

First and foremost global shipping activity appears to have come to a screeching halt, as pointed out by Jeff Berwick via the Market Oracle and this likely has recessionary implications:

Secondly when a single bank's derivative exposure exceeds the GDP of a country or region you know you are bound to have problems as ETF daily news rightly points out the case of Deutsche Bank:

Thirdly as QuandaryFX points out via Seeking Alpha the S & P 500 starts turning down when manufacturing starts to turn down like we are seeing off late:

Last but not the least the Safehaven plunge into Gold,Treasuries & the Japanese yen is clearly taking hold as pointed out by Chris Vermeulen via CNA Finance:

Chart 6

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