Tuesday 3 November 2015

Interesting Market News and Views from Global Financial Markets-5

1) As China's Stock Market Crashed, These Hedge Funds Rose 70% - Bloomberg

China’s summer market selloff wasn’t a total rout if you were one of the country’s top-performing hedge funds that gained an average 70 percent as almost 1,300 other funds were wiped out."

2) Europe in Deflation: Got (cheap) Milk? - The Market Oracle

Europe in Deflation: Got (cheap) Milk? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website"

3) S&P 500 Earnings On Track For First Fall Since 2009 - Investor's Business Daily

S&P 500 companies appear set for their first year-over-year earnings decline since 2009, led by energy woes and a sluggish global economy."

4) Wall Street's October stock-market performance was scary good - MarketWatch

What a difference a couple months can make. Shrugging off global-growth fears that dogged the market back in August, Wall Street managed to log one of its best monthly gains in years."

5)The global stock market crash, explained

Why investors in Europe, China, and the United States all got spooked on Monday."

6) Memo to Bulls: Stock Market Crash Looming in 2016 - Profit Confidential

The bulls are starting break open the champagne, but the chance of a stock market crash in 2016 is growing."

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