Wednesday 21 October 2015

Interesting Market News and Views from global financial markets-3

1)Just 1pc of fund managers have beaten the stock market since Black Monday - Telegraph

A fund that aims to mirror Warren Buffett’s investment style has beaten the
FTSE since Black Monday, but the vast majority of active funds have lagged

2)The skew view - the latest signal of stock-market doom? - Reuters

Wall Street is forever on the lookout for ever more exotic indicators of impending doom for the stock market, and the latest measure to catch eyeballs is the CBOE Skew index .SKEWX which recently flashed panic signals like never before."

3) 38 Images of The 2015 Stock Market Crash

During the August 2015 stock market crash, markets around the world dropped significantly. What was the cause? The media blames China, but were they?"

4) Stock market crash sets new records in 1987 - New York Daily News

Stock market crashes in 1987, under a selling avalanche of over half a billion shares, as traders recalled the Great Crash of 1929."

5) 3 Reasons Stock Market Corrections Are Inevitable - Motley Fool

You may not want the stock market to fall, but it's only a matter of time."

6) Deflation's least-understood danger is also its most serious

The world is grievously underestimating the danger of deflation."

Here are some more interesting market news and views. 

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