Wednesday 26 November 2014

Disconnect between the Rupee and the Indian Stock Market Indices

Yes falling commodity prices help narrow our current account deficit and are positive for the Indian market which is correcting lower from recent highs:

These developments are however even more positive for the Rupee taken together with positive foreign institutional flows, so why is the Rupee breaking down in the face of a surging stock market?
Global Dollar strength on fears of upcoming deflation?
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Here is some data to consider:
2008 GDP - 9.5%, Dollar/Rupee - 42, Stock market Peak January - 6350, P/E -24, 3 month return from Jan 08  < -30%
2015 GDP - 7.5%, Dollar/Rupee - 68, Stock market Peak in March - 9119, P/E -24, It remains to be seen how much of a decline will occur, as of now -20.0%.

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